The Independent Ear

African Rhythms anecdote #6: Tales of Randy Weston

On April 23 one of the highlights of a wonderful NEA Jazz Masters evening at Tri-C JazzFest with Roy Haynes’ Fountain of Youth Band and Randy Weston came during Randy’s rare solo piano performance to open the program.  As he often does he included the epic slice of musical hypnosis he wrote back around 1970 called "Blue Moses."  The following anecdote is the genesis of that brilliant composition, taken from the forthcoming book African Rhythms, the as-told-to autobiography of Randy Weston written by Willard Jenkins, to be released in 2010 by Duke University Press.


    The first tune I wrote in honor of the Gnawa was "Blue Moses," a translation of their reference to Sidi Musa that is based on one of their songs.  But the chief Gnawa in Tangier forbad me from playing it initallly.  He said "don’t play that in public, that’s sacred music."  So for one year I wouldn’t play that piece.  Finally I went back to him to ask his permission.  His name was Fatah, so I said "Fatah, I think the world needs to hear this music and I’m not going to commercialize it or disrespect it in any way.  I’m going to put all the proper spiritual power behind this music because I respect you and I respect the Gnawa people.  Finally Fatah relented and said "OK", that I could finally perform "Blue Moses."  But you can bet if he didn’t give me the OK, there was no way I was gonna play that piece because I’ve seen some strange things happen in Africa when there’s even a hint of crossing the spirits.  Ironically, though I’ve played "Blue Moses" countless times since then, the first time I recorded it was in 1972 on the Blue Moses album for CTI that was a real hit record for me.


Editor’s note: …And what’s even more ironic about that Blue Moses date for CTI is that Randy has always been an avowed disciple of the acoustic piano — electric pianos be damned.  But when he arrived at Van Gelder studio to record that date, lo and behold a Fender Rhodes electric piano awaited his massive hands much to his chagrin.  Take it or leave it was Creed Taylor’s declaration, so in light of some lean times Randy reluctantly agreed to wrestle the Rhodes, in the auspicious company of Freddie Hubbard, Ron Carter, Billy Cobham, Hubert Laws, Grover Washington (who whenever Randy would see him in succeeding years would always ask when they were going to do it again, he had so enjoyed the experience), Airto, and Randy’s son Azzedin on congas.  Remember how CTI record dates were invariably awash in Don Sebesky-arranged additional horns and strings?  For the complete story of how Blue Moses got the full Sebesky treatment… wait ’till the book! 

                                                — Willard Jenkins

Randy (center) and African Rhythms Quintet trombonist Benny Powell (red shirt)

with the Gnawa in Paris…  (photo: Jaap Haarlar)

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Interview: Evolution of a Record Man – Michael Cuscuna

Michael Cuscuna is one of the most prolific record producers in jazz.  His career has taken him from jazz radio to the deepest regions of some of the most fertile catalogues in recorded jazz history.  He has produced records for the Atlantic, Motown, ABC, Arista, Muse, Freedom, Elektra, Novus and perhaps most significantly Blue Note labels.  Throughout all those affiliations he has been responsible for some of the most essential reissue packages since that process became such a significant priority for labels starting in the mid-late 1970s.  His boutique label Mosaic continues to churn out mail order-only, limited edition box set and reissue gems; check them out at


Reissue wizard Michael Cuscuna trolling the stacks at Mosaic


The recent annual jazz-focused issue of Wax Poetics magazine contains excellent interviews with two of the classic jazz record men, Creed Taylor and the ancestor Joel Dorn.  In his interview Dorn talks about his journey from jazz radio deejay in Philadelphia to the corporate ladder at Atlantic Records — a corporate ladder whose strictures eventually drove away Dorn’s decidedly uncorporate attitude and proclivities.  Along the way Dorn befriended Michael Cuscuna.  Our exchange begins at that point, in the mid-late 1960s.


While I was in college in Philadelphia (1966-70), I began doing radio and dabbled in producing.  I became friends with Joel who was on WHAT-FM there and producing for Atlantic on the side.  At the time I was immersed in the avant garde and underground rock.  Joel’s taste ran more to David Fathead Newman, the Jazz Crusaders, Bobby Timmons, etc.  Hanging out with him brought me back to my roots.  I still loved Archie Shepp and Jefferson Airplane, but got back into the essence of soul that had touched me in the first place.


All I ever wanted to do was make records but I kept getting offers to do free-form radio at very good salaries.  Finally WPLJ in New York went to a formatted playlist and I split.  Joel got wind of it and offered me a job as staff producer at Atlantic Records.  It was one third of my radio salary but I jumped at it!  I learned a lot from Joel and the whole Atlantic team about the importance of building a record up from a strong rhythm track.  And Joel turned me on to all the great New York guys like Richard Tee, Ralph MacDonald, Cornell Dupree, Bernard Purdie, Chuck Rainey, and on and on.


What motivated you to become a record man?


From the minute I got into doo wop as a kid, I started buying records with every cent I could lay my hands on.  Playing records was a glorious escape out of the real world into some magnificent place that only music could take me.  I became enamored with labels and the information on them and was well on my way to being a collector.  It was an easy transition into R&B and then jazz (and beyond).


Have you always been pretty much an independent producer?


I did a couple of Buddy Guy records and a singer-songwriter named Chris Smither when I was still in college, but really got going when I was on staff at Atlantic 1972-73.  I left because I was frustrated with what Atlantic was becoming (big business, no roots) and basically freelanced ever since.  (Joel [Dorn] left the next year.)


Talk about some of your more fruitful record affiliations.


You ask about most fruitful record affiliations and it’s true that people like Joel, Steve Backer, and Bruce Lundvall became close, lifelong friends.  But the fruitful affiliations have really been with artists who became friends to the degree that our personal and professional lives were entangled.  Woody Shaw, Dexter Gordon, Lester Bowie, Anthony Braxton, Don Pullen, Lou Rawls, and Joe Lovano come immediately to mind as people whom I’ve learned from, had fun and productive times with, and whom I dearly love.


What are some of your fondest stories from your work as a producer?


No matter how well you plan, every project tends to throw at least one hand grenade in your path.  In 1973 I booked a Chicago studio that Ben Sidran had suggested and flew in to make an album with the Art Ensemble of Chicago.  When we pulled up to the studio with a school bus literally packed to the hilt with instruments, the studio manager informed us that the studio was a fourth-floor walk-up.  After the shock wore off, I moved the session to the next day and hired furniture movers to bring all the instruments up to the studio (and of course back down again a few days later).


There was a moment for me in 1975 that was terrifying.  I had to finish an album with Dave Brubeck for Atlantic and I wanted it to be different.  Somehow I got it into my head to record Dave and his bassist Jack Six with Roy Haynes, Lee Konitz, and Anthony Braxton.  Braxton was a big Brubeck fan and jumped at the chance.  Dave, Lee and Roy were more cautious and quite skeptical that this would work, but I was persuasive and even picked Brubeck tunes that fit the personalities.  Then the day came.  As these guys were setting up in the studio, my blood ran cold.  I was thinking, "My God, what if I am totally wrong and it’s a train wreck.  I’ll make a total fool of myself in front of an artist I grew up idolizing."  Fortunately it worked out.  In fact about 15 years later I bumped into Dave and he told me he thought I was nuts when I proposed that project but that it was one of his favorite records to listen to.


I suppose the most gratifying records for me are the ones where you start with only a voice and song and with the artist you build a flavor, an instrumentation and an arrangement around those two key ingredients.  Some of the records I did with Lou Rawls and Bonnie Raitt were the most satisfying in that regard. 


You’ve had some extraordinary access to historic record vaults.  What have been some of your most important "finds" while trolling the various record company vaults you’ve researched?


I’ve fished in the best vaults (Blue Note, Impulse!, Columbia and Atlantic) and found many amazing things.  I think the unissued Blue Note material that I found on Herbie Nichols and Tina Brooks was most important for me.  It tripled what was thought to be their recorded output and the resulting Mosaic sets brought them from obscurity to a place of reverence among musicians and fans.  It’s rare for vault material to rewrite history, but in those two cases it did.  Also all the extra material from some transcendent live dates like Rollins (1957) and Coltrane (1961) at the Village Vanguard.  And the wealth of first-rate unissued Grant Green, Lee Morgan, Hank Mobley, and Andrew Hill on Blue Note amazed me.  Sometimes it’s the little things that stick in my mind, like the alternate take of "Well, You Needn’t" from Monk’s 1947 Blue Note date.  The way he plays the theme is dazzling and so different from what became the composition as known was revelatory to me. 


What were the origins of Mosaic Records?


In 1982 Charlie Lourie and I drew up a 5-page proposal to relaunch Blue Note, which was completely dormant at the time.  The powers that be at Capitol said they weren’t ready to do anything with jazz for another two years.  Even before they turned us down I was thinking about one little item I had put in the catalog exploitation section [of the proposal] about a line of deluxe, complete box sets in the style that Columbia did in the ’60s.  And I realized that if we did that as mail order only and in limited edition, that this in itself could be a viable business.  No record stores, no distributors, no returns, no damaged goods, no unpaid invoices — just straight to the consumer.  We named it after Cedar Walton’s "Mosaic" because that was one of our mutual favorite Blue Note recordings and proceeded to work three years without a salary.


How do you determine what to release on Mosaic?


What we put out on Mosaic starts at the idea level — what’s deserving and can we access the best source material for improved sound and for unissued gems?  Then come the realities — can we get permission to license it and can we sell enough to meet the guarantee that the licensor demands in the deal.  Recent sets by Lester Young, Benny Goodman, Anthony Braxton, and Louis Armstrong have been among the best selling sets in our company’s history, but it is still becoming more and more of a struggle to keep things afloat.  The attrition in the record business has had an impact on every level and genre of music.  But we continue to do suicide missions when we can.  You never know what’s going to happen.  I did the Gerald Wilson Mosaic and Randy Weston Mosaic Select because I love both of them as artists and as people and those masters were languishing in the vaults and would not have come out any other way.  They both did MUCH beter than I expected.  So there are nice surprises along the way.


What kinds of things are you working on for the ongoing Blue Note reissue series and are there still opportunities to find rare, valuable unreleased material or have those opportunites been exhausted?


The Blue Note Rudy Van Gelder series will continue to revisit more Blue Note classics.  But the Blue Note vault is tapped out of releasable unissued material.  That’s why we started what we call internally the discovery series, looking to outside sources for new discoveries.  And we hit with a megaton bang starting it off with the Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall.  Charles Mingus At Cornell, and Horace Silver at Newport 1958 followed.  We have a killer Freddie Hubbard album Without a Song – Live in Europe coming in June.  Freddie was thrilled with this music – he told me he thought it was some of his best playing ever captured on tape.  He was going to do a lot of press for it but alas…  We are working on material by Andrew Hill and Wes Montgomery next.


Given the 21st century universe of record making, what advice would you impart to young people who still have a desire to produce recordings?


I don’t honestly know where any of this is going.  I think the record business as we know it is nearing an end.  More and more musicians are going to have to add producing and pressing their own records to sell on the bandstand and on their websites to their skill sets.  Retail is shrinking by the hour and internet retailers like Amazon are doing enough business to stop the erosion.  Live music is still doing great and new generations of musicians are feeding the creative gene pool all the time.  So the future of jazz is secure, but the future of the physical album is not.

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Audience Development: still task #1

Those who follow jazz, and all serious music for that matter, are often heard to bemoan various disparities, alleged shortcomings, and issue red flags for the future of such music in the U.S. if not the rest of the world.  We could make a laundry list of such dire pronouncements, call it the is jazz dying? syndrome, but you’ve heard it all before.  For years your correspondent has been pretty much beating this particular drum: all other issues aside, at least in the case of this music called jazz, the most pressing issue remains audience development.  That issue is precisely why I’ve started a series of interviews with those who set the stages and present this music across the country in the not-for-profit arena in a new column for WWW.JAZZ.COM


    Fact is we haven’t done nearly enough to better maximize the audience for this music; just recall the familiar refrain from your non-jazz immersed friends and colleagues when you either deliberately, subversively or subliminally introduce them to the music… "I like that, I didn’t know that [fill in the blanks here] was jazz…" or any of the myriad variations on that theme.  For the past four years I’ve been teaching an online course at my alma mater, Kent State University — yes the Kent State University of May 4, 1969 (my sophomore year) infamy.  The course, which is offered through KSU’s Center for Pan African Studies, is titled Jazz Imagines Africa.  Consider the many "imaginings" of Africa that have been laid out here for us to learn by artists including Duke Ellington, Max Roach, Randy Weston, John Coltrane, Yusef Lateef, Archie Shepp, George Russell, Pierre Dorge’s New Jungle Orchestra, Ronald Shannon Jackson… certainly more than enough sustenance for an entire course, not to mention the exceptional jazz artists of South Africa who reverse the equation.


    One of the course requirements is live performance attendance and a subsequent term paper detailing the students’ impressions of the concert as it relates to course material they’ve studied during the semester.  One of the more gratifying aspects of this teaching experience has been reading and listening to the often excited pronouncements of students for whom this may have been their very first exposure to jazz.  As further evidence that we must do more to expose a wider swath of the populace to this music, I offer these unsolicited responses from students which were extracted from their live performance term papers.  Spring semester students may choose from the varied concert menu offered every April at the festival I curate, Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland; so in each of the capsule observations below you’ll find the particular artist they’ve written about from the recently concluded ’09 edition of TCJF in parenthesis.


[Sachal Vasandani, vocalist-Mack Avenue recording artist] After the show I was blown away by what I had just seen.  Before I wrote this paper I listened to some of the songs that we listened to during class.  I thought that the drum in "March of Pink Wallflowers" by Shannon Jackson to me sounded most like the durms played by Sachal’s drummer Bill Ransom, who is an amazing drummer.  Two other songs that Sachal’s music sound most like to me was Randy Weston’s "Bantu" and "Kucheza Blues".  I am glad that I went to this performance because now I want to attend other jazz performances and see other types of jazz artists.


[The Conga Kings, Latin band] Going to the concert I was a little nervous but excited.  I had never been to a large concert hall to see a jazz concert, mostly jazz restaurants.  I took a small note pad with me but soon after it started it was hard to write down comments because I thoroughly enjoyed the entire show.  The combination of great conga playing and the improvisation of the brass section left me excited about jazz music. 


[Nicole Mitchell’s Black Earth Ensemble] Unlike many of the [listening] samples from our class where we are left to interpret what we hear by relating it to other things we have heard before with responses… Black Earth Ensemble has definition.  However, while experiencing the music in person you can read facial expressions, body language, and hear the real story behind the music…  Ms. Mitchell’s music tells a story, about her life, growing up and how she has become who she is.


[Jonathan Batiste, pianist] I chose the Jonathan Batiste Quartet concert held at the East Cleveland Public Library…  My husband and I had never attended an all jazz concert.  We were a bit wary of what to expect…  Mr. Batiste is a phenom in his own right.  When my husband and I left the concert all we could say was WOW!


[Roy Haynes and Randy Weston] As I made my two and a half hour trip from Columbus to Cleveland I was thinking about the concert which I was going to attend.  I turned some smooth jazz on the radio and let my thoughts take me back to the last fifteen weeks of our Jazz Imagines Africa class.  I have always been a fan of jazz music and now I can say that I am an even bigger fan of jazz music by knowing the history of some of these great musicians.  Music can do many things for different people; music can make you relax, music can motivate you into doing something, music can even paint a picture of an event or memory.  I knew that seeing Randy Weston and Roy Haynes was going to be a special treat but I didn’t realize how lucky I was to witness it until they started playing.  Who knows what the future of jazz will be, but we do know one thing for sure, we owe a debt of gratitude to Randy Weston and Roy Haynes for laying the groundwork for musicians around the world.  I am very glad that I enrolled in this class.  I don’t just feel like I have gained knowledge through my readings, but I feel like my soul has been fed through my listenings.


[Jonathan Batiste] …Jonathan had such a cool vibe and his presence put me at ease the moment he began to perform.  I think he is an inspiration to be that gifted and talented and to have accomplished so much at 22 years old.  I had never been to a jazz performance before this, neither had my fiancee.  To be honest, I really had to twist his arm to come.  After the performance the both of us were elated at the energy given off to the entire auditorium by the performance.  We talked about the performance the entire way home.  It definitely far exceeded the expectations I had going into it.  I felt I related with the musicians in that they are my age, I was engaged in the entire performance.  I think it is wonderful that people my age have a love and appreciation for jazz.  Before this class I stereotyped it as music for an older generation, I was completely wrong.  Seeing a live performance opened my eyes to a whole new level of jazz music and the culture.  I feel more cultured as a person being able to experience that.


[Roy Haynes and Randy Weston] On April 30 I attended the live jazz concert at Tri-C Auditorium featuring Roy Haynes Fountain of Youth Band with special guest Randy Weston.  First off, I have never before been to any kind of jazz show, so I was highly impressed by the vibe not only from the musicians, but also from the people in the audience; everyone seemed to be very into it, so this got me kind of excited…  Overall I had a great time at the concert and taking this course.  I now have a new found enjoyment of jazz music and all of the wonders that can come with it!


[Roy Haynes and Randy Weston] This concert was a very enjoyable end to this course, and reinforced all of the listening techniques I practiced throughout the semester.  After the concert, I listened to my husband’s perspective and related it to my perspective at the beginning of this course.  I then thought about my opinions of what I heard, and I used it to quantify what I learned about Africa’s influence in modern jazz music.  I know I now listen differently to jazz, and I enjoy this new perspective.


[Sachal Vasandani, vocalist] It is amazing to me after taking this class how I pay much more attention to the actual sounds of songs and try to analyze them.  I have learned so many things about music and especially jazz than I ever thought.  I loved listening to all the different types of jazz songs and really loved analyzing them.  I really do listen to songs now and try to hear them and the different instruments that are in them.  I have really enjoyed this class and glad I got the opportunity to hear all of this amazing music from these very talented artists.


[Jonathan Batiste] …In terms of relating with the music we listened to throughout the semester, this was much better.  If you can see the performance in person, it makes the listening that much more enjoyable."


[Jonathan Batiste] Before taking this class I thought that the world of jazz was still left to the greats like Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Louis Armstrong and Dizzy Gillespie, but now I know that jazz is alive and among the new age not just an old past time.


The prevailing thought after reading such unsolicited comments is that obviously jazz music is something that in order to gain a full appreciation one must experience it live.  So next time you’re going out to hear the music, take along an uninitiated friend or two so that one-by-one we can continue to grow the audience for this music and more people can experience the extraordinary artistry of the people who make it.

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2010 NEA Jazz Masters: An auspicious crew!



National Endowment for the Arts Announces the 2010 NEA Jazz Masters


Nation’s highest honor in jazz is bestowed on eight living legends


Washington , DC – The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) today announced the recipients of the 2010 NEA Jazz Masters Award — the nation’s highest honor in this distinctly American music. The eight recipients will each receive a $25,000 grant award and be publicly honored in an awards ceremony and concert on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at Frederick P. Rose Hall, home of Jazz at Lincoln Center .


The eight 2010 NEA Jazz Masters are:






City, State


Muhal Richard Abrams


Pianist, Composer, Educator           


New York , NY


Kenny Barron


Pianist, Composer, Educator           


Brooklyn , NY


Bill Holman


Composer, Arranger, Saxophonist           


Los Angeles , CA


Bobby Hutcherson


Vibraphonist, Marimba Player, Composer


Montara , CA


Yusef Lateef           


Saxophonist, Flutist, Oboist, Composer, Educator


Amherst , MA


Annie Ross




New York , NY


Cedar Walton


Pianist, Composer


Brooklyn , NY


George Avakian

, a jazz producer, manager, critic, and educator from Riverdale , New York , will receive the 2010 A.B. Spellman NEA Jazz Masters Award for Jazz Advocacy.


For the full release, please go to



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Quick Tip for recording artists

In this age of artists being thrust into Do It Yourself territory in order to have their recorded output heard by the shrinking universe of applicable radio stations and record consumers here’s what may seem like a picayune tip but important nonetheless: when processing your mailing there is no need to overdo the envelope/package sealing process.  I recently received a package from an old friend who has a gig upcoming at Blues Alley.  The package contained the artist’s latest CD, a warm handwritten note, and their all important press kit.  However the package arrived damn near hermetically sealed?  There was so much tape on this package it became a true wrestling match just to reveal the contents!


In such cases you may have the unhappy circumstance of recipient frustration — frustration that may lead the recipient to rip open the package, potentially destroying your nice, neat press kit and cover letter — items that are surely crucial to the effectiveness of your pitch.  So be kind to your recipients, seal your package just enough to meet postal standards, do not seal your package so tightly that your intended recipient becomes frustrated bordering on anger at what you intended as a friendly, collegial gesture designed to garner some measure of support — whether that be airplay, gigs, review coverage or whatever the case may be.  Mind those packages!

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