The Independent Ear

21st Century interview paradigm: The Jazz Session

The Jazz Session is an online jazz interview show focusing on in-depth interviews with jazz musicians at  Proprietor of The Jazz Session is broadcaster-poet Jason Crane.  After participating in one of Jason’s interview sessions, I wanted to know more about the whys & wherefores of The Jazz Session and asked a few questions.


What’s the origin and intent of The Jazz Session?

I’ve been involved in the jazz world as either a performer or broadcaster since 1994.  I spent several years as a full-time saxophone player, but quickly found the perfect marriage of my performing and listening passions in the world of jazz radio.  I was the station manager and afternoon drive host at Jazz90.1 (WGMC) in Rochester, NY from 2001-2004, and during that time I conducted hundreds of interviews.  After leaving the station to become a stay-at-home dad, I briefly hosted a progressive talk show on an Air America affiliate in Rochester.  Soon after (in February 2007) I decided to go it alone and launched the Jazz Session (  I started contacting musicians, labels and promotion people I’d known from my radio days, asking them to come on my completely untested show.  To my great surprise and eternal gratitude they all said "yes."

Three years and 450,000 downloads later, The Jazz Session is going strong.  I partnered with All About Jazz last year and that’s led to increased exposure for the show.  I also moved to Albany, NY, which puts me much closer to New York City and allows me to conduct more of my interviews in person, rather than on the phone.  I now post new episodes of The Jazz Session each Monday and Thursday at

My goal is to provide in-depth conversations with musicians, authors, producers, and others who are making and promoting creative improvised music.

Given the fact that you reached out to me as a result of perusing The Independent Ear — which led to a subsequent Jazz Session interview — would you characterize yourself as an avid jazz web site surfer?  If so, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff since there is so much out there?

I’m definitely an avid surfer.  I do the majority of my web surfing via Google Reader and the hundreds of RSS feeds I’ve bookmarked there.  Most of my web reading falls into one of several categories: jazz, poetry, progressive politics, and science.  As for separating the wheat from the chaff — I’ve grown to trust the instincts and judgement of quite a few writers in my areas of interest.  I know that their content is solid and that the links they provide are also solid.  Building trust in that way is crucial to success online.  That applies to The Jazz Session too.  I cover many different flavors of jazz, and I hope that my listeners trust me enough by this point to take the journey with me, even if they’re unsure of the destination.

Now that there is so much more access to writings about jazz than the old days, when jazz enthusiasts awaited delivery of DownBeat, JazzTimes and assorted other publications in our mailboxes to learn the latest news, what’s your overall sense of this expanded universe of jazz verbiage?  Do you find it ultimately beneficial to the life of jazz music?

Yes!  It’s so exciting to be part of the online jazz world.  Anyone can now have access to the best writing and reviewing, as well as direct communication with many of your favorite musicians.  I’ve also made some great friends and become close to many of my colleagues thanks to the online world.

Catch The Jazz Session at  Also catch up with Jason Crane at

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Mining Brooklyn’s Jazz Legacy

 Brooklyn had more jazz clubs and related venues than Manhattan in the 1950s and 60s.  So say Randy Weston and numerous other observers and historians of the bigger, brilliantly-multi culti, undeniably colorful and richly historic borough across the East River.  This and other fascinating facts of Brooklyn’s storied jazz history are becoming clearer by the day through a rewarding new research project I’ve just begun in Central Brooklyn.  As they say in radio land… stay tuned!

Weeksville Heritage Center is a historic site of great national significance.  Weeksville is one of the only African American historic sites in the Northeast on its original property and the only African American historic site in New York that teaches post enslavement history.  During the 19th century, the village of Weeksville was a vibrant and independent African American community.  The history of self-sufficient African American communities dates back centuries, long before Brooklyn was incorporated as a borough of New York City. 

Houses from the Weeksville legacy, circa 1904

A major part of the 20th century cultural legacy of Brooklyn was a very vibrant jazz scene, significantly different from Manhattan in particular because many of those venues were African American owned or operated and — with the notable exception of Harlem — quite different from Manhattan in that respect.  The Weeksville Heritage Center has long recognized the importance of jazz in the cultural history of Brooklyn, particularly the Central Brooklyn area the settlement occupies.  So I’ve been engaged to conduct a research project, including significant oral history interviews with key musicians and historians, as a Lost Jazz Shrines of Brooklyn development.  This project will eventually be a cornerstone of the Weeksville Heritage Society’s archives as well as the public programs component of the new center which is being constructed on its Bergen Street site.

Weeksville residents back in the day

I’m interested in connecting with anyone who has information or memorabilia they’d like to share to shed futher light on the vibrant history of jazz in Brooklyn, particularly Central Brooklyn.  Please contact me through The Independent Ear (Comment below) or via email at  Stay tuned to this site for further updates on the development of this exciting Weeksville jazz project.

Jazz presentations today at Weeksville Heritage Center



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Audience friendly? Check Maurice Brown…

Trumpeter Maurice Brown has been one to watch for more than a minute.  Early on, courtesy of his Hip to Bop release it was apparent that here was a young artist intent on filtering his jazz-steeped improvisations through the prism of the music of his life — hip hop, funk, and a healthy sense of "I love the blues, she heard my cry"… an overall quest for the good groove.  My curiosity was further piqued when several years ago the Chicagoan relocated to New Orleans, where he was eventually uprooted like so many by Katrina.  That move suggested a desire to further immerse himself in the heart of the groove, which is the essence of New Orleans music aesthetic.  Less than two years later, spotting him on the list of Thelonious Monk Instrumental Competition finalists I was curious as to how he would fare in that environment.  He finished just a bit out of the money, no surprise given the weight Monk Competition judges appear to place on anyone supposedly striving to be "different."  


No tunnel vision here, Maurice Brown is not stuck in traffic on the road to "different."  Blessed with a fat sound, impressive facility, and a keen sense of the blues in pursuit of the infectious rhythm, Maurice Brown is a bit of a throwback to what used to be referred to as "soul jazz" — 21st century edition.  Last night at the Kennedy Center Jazz Club the latest incarnation of Maurice Brown showed impressive evolution and a successful endeavor at balancing creativity with a real desire to connect with his audience.

As opposed to the kind of coolly aloof, hipper-than-thou posture of too many of his peers, Brown was intent on engaging his audience not only through his infectious music but also with a kind of joie de vivre in his between tunes patter and intros that indelibly strenghtens that artist/audience bond.  The subject was Brown’s well-crafted new record The Cycle of Love (Brown Records).  His crew included tenor man Derek Douget (’bout time his potent sound was displayed outside of New Orleans!), energy source Chris Rob on piano, rambunctious drummer Joe Blaxx, and bedrock bassist Solomon Dorsey.  Did he connect with this DC audience?  The line to buy CDs and get Brown’s autograph after the gig was prodigious.  Don’t sleep on Maurice Brown (

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Ancient Future Radio 3/18/10

 The Ancient Future radio program, produced and hosted by Willard Jenkins, airs on WPFW. Pacifica Radio in Washington, DC at 89.3 FM.

(ARTIST, Tune, Album title, Label)

Jo Jones   Bebop Irishman   The Everest Years   Everest

Evan Christopher   The Peacocks   The Road to Romance   STR

Tom Waits   Step Right Up   Small Change   Elektra

Jackie McLean   Why Was I Born   4 5 and 6   Prestige

Nat "King" Cole   Save The Bones for Henry Jones   Jazz Encounters   Capitol

Sun Ra Arkestra   Sunrise in Outer Space   Somewhere Else   Rounder

Joe Zawinul Zawinul Syndicate   Indiscretions   World Tour   Zebra

ONJ   Stairway to Heaven   Closer to Heaven   Harmonia Mundi

Yusef Komunyakaa   Facing It   Our Souls Have Grown Deep   Rhino

Randy Weston   Uhuru Kwanzaa Pt.1   Mosaic Select   Mosaic

Randy Weston   Uhuru Kwanzaa Pt. 2   Mosaic Select   Mosaic

Soundviews (new & recent release spotlight)

Queen Esther   Remember When?   What Is Love?   EL

Queen Esther   What Is Love   What Is Love?   EL

Queen Esther   I Cover The Waterfront   What Is Love?   EL

Queen Esther   Either He’s Crazy or I Am   What Is Love?   EL

What’s New (new release hour)

Tia Fuller   Ebb & Flow   Decisive Steps   Mack Avenue

Carol Sudhalter   Flamingo   The Octave   Alfa Projects

Carolyn Leonhart/Wayne Escoffery   The Sweetest Sounds   Tides of Yesterday   Savant

Lynne Aririale   Wrapped Around   Nuance   Motema

Catherine Russell   Spoonful   Inside This Heart of Mine   World Village

Sheryl Bailey   East to Wes   A New Promise   MCG

Reut Regev   Babibalala   This is R Time  

Champian Fulton   Easy To Love   The Breeze and I   GSR


contact: 5268-G Nicholson Lane   #281   Kensington, MD 20895   

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Thinkin’ About Jackie


Jackie McLean

At the recent and successful launch of the Mid Atlantic Jazz Festival (check Facebook for the Jazz Video Guy Bret Primack’s clips from the festival), successor to the mid-winter DC classic East Coast Jazz Festival, the event was capped off by a joyous Saturday night tribute to Charlie Parker.  "Word on Bird" (title liberally lifted from friend and WPFW colleague Rusty Hassan’s weekly Parker segment) brought together altoists Bobby Watson, Bruce Williams, and Fred Foss for some friendly jousting and head-cutting in the name of Bird.  Foss, a DC regular who speaks reverently of the assists and inspiration he got from NEA Jazz Master Jackie McLean and his son Rene McLean, brought doses of the J-Mac attack to his various turns at bat.  

Fred Foss

Earlier that day during his masterclass drummer Lewis Nash cracked up his audience with his reminiscence of Jackie McLean. Seems Nash was on a record date with Jackie Mac when some none-too-wise producer stopped the proceedings purportedly to lecture McLean on tuning up!  To which Jackie’s pointed retort was, "…I’ve been playing sharp all my life, why stop now?" 

Fred Foss’s forays and Lewis Nash’s reminiscences kinda put me in a Jackie Mac state of mind.  I fondly recalled one of my interview opportunities with McLean, back in ’89 at the Umbria Jazz Festival.  Jackie and his elegant wife Dolly were on that beautiful scene for several brilliant performances at one of Umbria’s Etruscan-era club spaces, in the rich company of Cedar Walton, Billy Higgins, and David Williams.  When I arrived at Jackie’s hotel room for our interview I couldn’t help noticing the classic Italian ornate decor.  So Jackie gave me a short tour of his frescoed room, pointing out several bullet holes in the ceiling.  Seems this had been Mussolini’s room during an aborted assassination attempt! 

After the Mid Atlantic festival, in a J-Mac state of mind, I asked master drummer and Julliard educator Carl Allen about the legacy of Jackie McLean.

Talk about your experience with Jackie McLean.

I played with and recorded with Jackie McLean for about 5 years.  It was one of the greatest life experiences that I have had to date.  He and I had a lot in common outside of music that was very interesting to me to discover, like wallets, particularly those from Japan, and stationary.  We actually both had the same wallet at one time that you could only buy in Japan.

What was Jackie McLean’s lasting influence on your playing and your music career, and what are some of the lessons you learned from him?

I have always said that playing with Jackie for me was very much like playing with Freddie Hubbard in that they were both very much into playing with the drummer.  Jackie was always listening to what was happening around him.  On and off the bandstand, he taught me to stay current but connect it with the past.  He loved a lot of different styles of music, yet he always talked about Charlie Parker.  I learned a lot about rhythm from Jackie, how to use it outside of just keeping time.  He talked about African rhythms as much as he talked about swing.  Jackie was also an astute business man who taught me about creating options for yourself.  I have always treasured that lesson.  One of the greatest lessons that he taught me was about respecting order.  Manage your expectations based on what you have accomplished and your abilities.  He loved his family and we spoke about that often.  Jackie was a great teacher.  There are lessons that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. 

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